Stephen Coates

Stephen Coates has been active in the trademark field for 27 years as an in-house IP counsel at Amazon and Twitter, as well as the top trademark practices in New York City. While trademarks and domain names are his primary focus, he has extensive experience in intellectual property management, brand protection, enforcement, and marketing. Mr. Coates has been recognized as an in-house and outside counsel leader. Mr. Coates has spoken at numerous conferences and events worldwide, including numerous appearances at INTA, the McCarthy Institute, and the Association for Corporate Counsel, as well as numerous other bar associations, law schools, and other organizations. He is also an active member of intellectual property policy organizations, including INTA, where he has served on committees for over 15 years and chaired a domain name committee. Mr. Coates founded the Intellectual Property Platform Networking Group at Twitter, which continues to exist today and includes members from various technology companies who travel great distances to attend the meetings.


Sanya Samtani


Scott Gerien